Make sure you have a fully functioning electrical entry and reduce the risk of overload and blackouts.
An electrical entrance is the point where the Hydro-Quebec line connects to your home or business.
It is composed of three main elements:
- The mast
- The meter socket
- The electrical panel (also called the distribution panel) located inside your home.
It is important to have the capacity of your electrical entrance inspected:
- If you plan to make additions
- If your home is over 20 years old
- If you are thinking of selling
Here are a few reasons that may require an increase in the capacity of your electrical entry:
- Insurance company request
- Heating conversion
- Major damage
- Sale or purchase of property
- Renovations and additions
- Outdated installation
- Purchase of an electric vehicle
- Fused electrical panel
- Relocation of the electrical entrance
- Addition of electrical components (such as spa, pool, heat pump, air conditioning)
It is not always necessary to change your electrical entry. A more powerful electrical performance is not necessarily better. At Galko Electrique, our electricians will guide you to make sure that your electrical entry meets the needs of your family and/or business.
Did you know?
Traditionally, houses were built with lower electrical entries, which was sufficient for the reality of families at that time. Nowadays, families have more electrical components, and therefore, they require a more powerful electrical entry. (200A, 300A, 400A)
ATTENTION! Seul un entrepreneur électricien peut faire des travaux d’électricité, à titre de bénévole ou non!